Mobile application development

Mobile technologies have radically changed the world and simplified the life of a modern person. They are actively used to increase productivity, navigation, control over financial transactions, entertainment and communications.

Link4Tech develops custom mobile applications, the cost of which is combined with the quality of execution.

We create applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. We provide two distribution methods: through application stores (App Store, Google Play and Windows Store) and in-house applications (for in-house distribution).


Link4Tech team is ready to offer:

  • production of internet applications for mobile platforms;
  • usability design;
  • creation of mobile clients for existing applications, including legacy server and client solutions;
  • comprehensive integration of popular Internet services with mobile applications;
  • adaptation of desktop applications to mobile devices (tablets, smartphones);
  • performance analysis;
  • testing of mobile applications.
  • We will develop mobile applications for your business around the world.